Category: International Law
The False Reality of Foreign Neutrality
By Justin Murdock — As the Russian juggernaut ravages through Ukrainian cities and civilians and eastern European democracy proves to be dire in the alarming crisis, American intervention without provoking an all-out nuclear war seems like a must. However, given that the United States is currently at peace with the aggressor, Russia, as per the…
How Long Will China’s Animal Cruelty Laws Have to Wait?
By Leyuan Ma — In April 2020, a university student in China’s Shandong Province was expelled from school after videos of him mercilessly torturing and murdering over 80 stray cats surfaced on the Chinese internet; in October of the same year, a man from Shanxi Province poured boiling water over a pregnant cat, killing her…
El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law: Contemporary Implications of Forced Tender Legislation
By Cecilia Quirk — From the invention of paper money in 7th century China to the FDR administration’s decision to drop the gold standard in 1933, money has constantly evolved in unexpected, even unsettling ways. Just as a world without paper money, or even without credit cards, seems unimaginable today, it’s no wonder that the…
The Gender Dichotomy: How Sharia Law in the Seventh Century Granted Women Legal Empowerment
By Noura Shoukfeh — The world’s youngest major religion, Islam, was established in the seventh century when the Prophet Muhammad amassed a following dedicated to the revelations he recieved in the Qur’an. The growth of Islam in the decades after Muhammad’s death, combined with the widespread need to implement a coherent ethical account of Islamic…
The Forgotten Voices: Power Imbalances in Guatemalan Investor-State Dispute Settlements
By Ava Peters — On June 13, 2012, Yolanda Oquelii, leader of the La Puya Peaceful Resitance movement in Southern Guatemala, became the subject of an assassination attempt. She was targeted for starting a non-violent protest, together with many other brave women and men from her community, against a gold mining operation near their homes.…