By Daniel Zayas — Over the past decade, thousands of cases have reached federal courts to gain redress for injuries that plaintiffs have sustained while using Roundup, a popular pesticide manufactured by American agrochemical corporation Monsanto to kill weeds and…
By George Vavrik — Telemedicine represents a transformative approach to healthcare delivery, leveraging technological advancements to facilitate remote diagnosis, consultation, and treatment.Through modalities such as real-time video conferencing and asynchronous communication methods like store-and-forward mechanisms, telemedicine offers a versatile toolkit…
By Eunice Lee — Kahler v. Kansas, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on March 23, 2020, ruled that the Due Process Clause does not require Kansas to adopt an insanity test that aims to understand a defendant’s ability to…
By Anna Ferris — In 2010, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius came before the Supreme Court seeking to clarify key tenets of the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare). First, the Court was called to decide whether…
By Rida Mian — On February 16, 2024, the Supreme Court of Alabama released the controversial ruling that an extrauterine embryo is considered a person in the context of the law. The ruling came from an appeals case in which…
By Jeannie Kim — Most people are familiar with service animals, as they accompany people to schools, malls, airports, and essentially all public places. What people are less accustomed to, however, are emotional support animals (ESAs). ESAs can range from…