About the Princeton Legal Journal

About Us

The Princeton Legal Journal is Princeton’s only undergraduate law review. We are entirely student-run, and we hope to provide a meaningful, impactful, and lasting space for legal discourse on campus. The Journal consists of two sections: the Forum and the Review. The Forum consists of short-form legal content while the Review consists of full-length journal articles that dive in-depth into legal issues spanning multiple subjects. The opinions expressed by the writers do not reflect those of the Editorial and Executive Boards of the PLJ. Moreover, while we are staunchly committed to publishing reliable information and data, we cannot be held responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or inconsistencies that arise. If you would like to report an error or have questions or concerns, please reach out to either our President Emilie Chau at ec3928@princeton.edu or our Editor-in-Chief Diya Kraybill at diyak@princeton.edu